To home a pet is serious business, the animal whether a dog or any other animal becomes a family member and the right animal care knowledge for kids is very essential. This article gives a broad overview of the basic considerations and care that need to be taken for dogs.
Dogs are probably the most loving of all Seniors pets; they give love unlimited and want the same in return. As a parent it is your responsibility to teach your child the importance of loving and caring for the animal as a first step in keeping a pet. A dog needs to be fed right, exercised and groomed at regular intervals. Training the dog to live indoors, obey commands and not chew your favorite rug or slippers is all a part of owning a dog.
Some basic tips on the right kind of animal care knowledge for kids to be practiced:
• Sweets are poison for your dog; the Xylitol an artificial sweetener is very dangerous because it causes the animal’s blood sugar to drop dangerously causing seizures, lack of coordination and even depression.
• Chocolate for dogs is an absolute NO! It can cause seizures, diarrhea and vomiting and has been known to be fatal for the animal.
• Dogs by nature are curious animals especially in the puppy and growing stages, keep them away from electrical cables and power outlets, glass and plastic. They can get an electrical shock, choke on plastic and the glass when ingested can cause internal bleeding.
• Dressing up your dog may cater to your fantasies but for the dog it may mean skin irritations and breathing problems.
• Your dog should be registered and wear a collar and dog tag ID attached to the collar at all times. Make sure your contact details are on the Identification tag.
• It is not advisable to bathe a dog too often due to skin problems; your vet can guide you on the right bathing intervals. Practice grooming the dog on a regular basis; everyday is best and give the animal plenty of fresh air and good nutrition. You can always sponge the animal down with warm water if he gets too dirty.
• You need to do a physical exam of the animal at least once a month – check the teeth for tartar, the gums for disease, the pads of the feet for cuts and bruises, the ears for infection. The dog needs to be taken to the vet for annual checkups and booster shots.